greek syntax principle 45

1. Most adverbs are formed from adjectives and end in -ως.

δικαιος – just (adj) δικαιως – justly (adv);
αληθης – true (adj) αληθως – truly (adv);

2. The accusative of an adjective (neuter) or noun may be used as an adverb.
3. While most adverbs end in -ως, some also end in -θεν, θι, and δε.

ουρανοθεν – from heaven (Acts 14:17)
παιδιοθεν – from childhood (Mark 9:21)
περουσι – last year (2Cor. 8:10)
ενθαδε – here, hither (Acts 10:18)

4. Numeral adverbs generally end in -ις, -κις, and -ακις.

δις – twice
τρις – three times
επτακις – seven times
πολλακις – many times
εβδομηκοντακις – seventy times

5. Some adverbs are formed from verbs; others from prepositions.

δευρο adv. meaning “hither” comes from the verb δευτε meaning “come here”.

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