John Dick, Lectures on Theology

Audio Theology

John Dick — Friends of Glasgow NecropolisI. On Theology  print
II. The Sources of Theology: Reason   print
III. The Sources of Theology: Revelation   print
IV. Evidences of Christianity: Genuineness of the Old Testament   print
V. Evidences of Christianity: Genuineness of the New Testament
VI. Evidences of Christianity: Genuineness of the Scriptures
VII. Evidences of Christianity: Authenticity of the Scriptures; Miracles
VIII. Evidences of Christianity: Prophecy
IX. Evidences of Christianity: Success of the Gospel; Internal Evidences
X. Evidences of Christianity: Objections considered
XI. Inspiration of the Sacred writers
XII. State of the Sacred Text
XIII. The Study and Interpretation of the Scriptures
XIV. The Dispensation of Religion: Under the Old Testament
XV. The Dispensation of Religion: Under the New Testament
XVI. On God: His Existence
XVII. On God: His Existence; Eternity and Spirituality
XVIII. On God: His Unity
XIX. On God: His Immensity
XX. On God: His Immutability
XXI. On God: His Knowledge
XXII. On God: His Wisdom
XXIII. On God: His Power
XXIV. On God: His Goodness
XXV. On God: His Justice
XXVI. On God: His Truth and Faithfulness
XXVII. On God: His Holiness; and General Reflections
XXVIII. The Trinity
XXIX. The Trinity
XXX. The Divinity of Christ
XXXI. The Divinity of Christ
XXXII. The Divinity of Christ
XXXIII. The Divinity of the Holy Spirit
XXXIV. The Decrees of God
XXXV. The Decrees of God, Predestination; Election
XXXVI. The Decrees of God, Reprobation
XXXVII. Creation
XXXVIII. Angels: The Holy Angels
XXXIX. Angels: The Fallen Angels
XL. Man in his State of Innocence
XLI. Providence
XLII. Providence
XLIII. Providence
XLIV. The Fall of Man, and its Consequences
XLV. The Fall of Man, and its Consequences
XLVI. The Fall of Man, and its Consequences
XLVII. The Fall of Man, and its Consequences
XLVIII. The Covenant of Grace
XLIX. The Covenant of Grace
L. The Covenant of Grace
LI. The mediatorial Office of Christ
LII. The Messiah
LIII. The Person of Christ
LIV. The Prophetical Office of Christ
LV. The Prophetical Office of Christ
LVI. The Priestly Office of Christ
LVII. The Priestly Office of Christ: His Sacrifice
LVIII. The Priestly Office of Christ: His Sacrifice
LIX. The Priestly Office of Christ: His Intercession
LX. Christ’s State of Humiliation
LXI. Christ’s State of Exaltation: His Resurrection
LXII. Christ’s State of Exaltation: His Ascension to Heaven: His Seat in Heaven
LXIII. Christ’s State of Exaltation: His Judging the World
LXIV. The Kingdom of Christ
LXV. The Application of Redemption: Effectual Calling
LXVI. The Application of Redemption: Effectual Calling: Regeneration
LXVII. The Application of Redemption: Union to Christ
LXVIII. The Application of Redemption: Faith
LXIX. The Privileges of Believers: Justification
LXX. The Privileges of Believers: Justification
LXXI. The Privileges of Believers: Justification
LXXII. The Privileges of Believers: Justification
LXXIII. The Privileges of Believers: Adoption
LXXIV. The Privileges of Believers: Sanctification
LXXV. The Privileges of Believers: Sanctification
LXXVI. On Good Works
LXXVII. On Conscience
LXXVIII. On Conscience Peace of Conscience: Spiritual Joy
LXXIX. The Perseverance of the Saints
LXXX. The Death of the Saints, and its Consequences
LXXXI. The Death of the Saints, and its Consequences
LXXXII. The Resurrection of the Dead
LXXXIII. The Final State of the Righteous
LXXXIV. The External Means of Grace: The Word of God
LXXXV. The External Means of Grace: The Word of God
LXXXVI. The External Means of Grace: The Sacraments
LXXXVII. The External Means of Grace: The Sacraments
LXXXVIII. The External Means of Grace: The Sacrament of Baptism
LXXXIX. The External Means of Grace: The Sacrament of Baptism
XC. The External Means of Grace: The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
XCI. The External Means of Grace: The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
XCII. The External Means of Grace: The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper
XCIII. The External Means of Grace: Prayer
XCIV. The External Means of Grace: Prayer
XCV. The External Means of Grace: Prayer
XCVI. The Church
XCVII. The Government of the Church: Popish form; Episcopacy
XCVIII. The Government of the Church: Episcopacy; Independency and Presbytery
XCIX. The Government of the Church: Independency and Presbytery
C. The Government of the Church: Office-bearers
CI. The Government of the Church: Church Power
CII. The Law of God: The Decalogue
CIII. The Law of God: The First, Second, and Third Commandments
CIV. The Law of God: The Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Commandments
CV. The Law of God: The Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Commandments; Conclusion


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