Berkhof Catechism

Chapter 1 – Religion

1. What is religion?
Man’s relationship to God.

2. Why is it that every people group, no matter how primitive, has some kind of religion?
Because every person has a seed of religion in his/her soul.

3. What is the Old Testament term for religion?
The fear of God.

4. What is the New Testament term for religion?

5. What is the seat of religion?
The soul.

6. What term does the Bible usually use when referring to the human soul?
The heart.


Chapter 14: The Names and Nature of Christ

1. What does the name Jesus mean?

2. What does the name Christ mean?
Anointed or Messiah.

3. What does the name Son of Man mean?
Jesus is the great King who will judge heaven and earth.

4. What does the name Son of God mean?
Jesus is God.

5. What does the name Lord mean?
Jesus is ruler of His kingdom.

6. What are the two natures of Christ?
His divine and human nature.

7. Does Jesus have two persons?

8. What does the term incarnation mean?
Taking a human body.

9. What was the error of Arius?
He denied the deity of Christ.

Chapter 15: The States of Christ

1. How is the word “state” used in this lesson?
It refers to a person’s relation to the law.

2. What do we mean by Jesus’ state of humiliation?
That Jesus came under the curse of the law.

3. What are the steps of Christ’s humiliation?
His birth, His life, His death, His burial, and His descent into hell.

4. What is Jesus’ state of exaltation?
That Jesus met all His legal obligations and entered into His glory.

5. What are the steps of Christ’s exaltation?
His resurrection, His ascension, His sitting at God’s right hand, and His return.

Chapter 16: The Offices of Christ

1. What are the three offices of Christ?
Prophet, priest, and king.

2. What is an office?
It is something Christ does for His people.

3. What does Christ do for His people as prophet?
He brings them a message from His Father.

4. What does Christ do for His people as priest?
He intercedes for them and makes satisfaction for their sin.

5. What does Christ do for His people as king?
He brings them into His kingdom.

Chapter 17: The Atonement Through Christ

1. What is meant by Christ’s atonement?
Jesus taking away our sin.

2. Why was Christ’s atonement necessary?
Because of God’s love and justice.

3. What did Christ’s atonement accomplish?
It satisfied the justice of God.

4. What is meant by saying that Christ’s atonement was vicarious?
It means that Christ was a substitute for His people.

5. What is Christ’s passive obedience?
His suffering our punishment.

6. What is Christ’s active obedience?
His perfect obedience of God’s law.

7. Whom did Christ intend to save by His atonement?
His people.

Chapter 18: Common Grace

1. What is common grace?
God’s favor for all people.

2. What does common grace not do?
Save anyone from sin.

3. What is one way we see God’s common grace in our world?
In general revelation.

4. What is another way?
Civil government.

5. What is a third way?
The restraint of sin.

6. What is a fourth way?
The free offer of the gospel.

Chapter 19: Calling and Regeneration

1. What do we mean here by calling?
It is God’s invitation to salvation.

2. What distinction do we make in God’s calling of sinners to salvation?
external and internal.

3. What is God’s external call to salvation?
A call to trust in Jesus for salvation.

4. What is God’s internal call to salvation?
It is the new birth.

5. What is the new birth?
It is the operation of the Holy Spirit whereby we come to love what we once hated and to hate once what we once loved.

6. Who are called by God’s external call?

7. Who are called by God’s internal call?
Only God’s elect.

8. What is another difference between the internal and external call?
Only the external call results in salvation.

9. Why is the internal call necessary if anyone is going to be saved?
Because we are totally depraved.

Chapter 20: Conversion: Repentance and Faith

1. Who is the agent in regeneration?
God alone.

2. Who is the agent in conversion?
God moves the sinner to act.

3. What does the sinner do?
He repents and believes.

4. Does regeneration or conversion take place in the conscious life of the believer?

5. What is repentance?
Turning from sin.

6. What is faith?
Taking refuge in Jesus.

7. What is assurance?
The confidence that my sins are forgiven.

Chapter 21: Justification

1. What is justification?
God declaring us righteous.

2. How can God declare us righteous when even the best person is full of unrighteousness?
Because God imputes to us the righteousness of Christ.

3. When is a sinner justified?
The moment he believes in Jesus.

4. What is the righteousness of Christ?
His active and passive obedience.

5. What is the active obedience of Christ?
Her perfect obedience to God’s law.

6. What is the passive obedience of Christ?
Jesus was punished in our place.

Chapter 22: Sanctification and Perseverance

1. What is the difference between justification and sanctification?
In justification, we are declared righteous; in sanctification, we are made righteous.

2. What other difference is there between justification and sanctification?
Justification takes place in an instant; sanctification is a process.

3. Is there still another difference between justification and sanctification?
Justification takes place in God’s courtroom; sanctification takes place in the human soul.

4. What is sanctification then?
God makes us good.

5. What is the first part of sanctification?
The mortification of the old man.

6. What is the second part of sanctification?
The quickening of the new man.

7. Is sanctification perfect in this life?

8. Is justification perfect in this life?

9. What is preservation of the saints?
God’s people will never fall away.

Chapter 23: Nature Of The Church

1. What is the church?
A gathering of God’s people.

2. What is the church militant?
The fighting church on earth.

3. What is the church triumphant?
The victorious church in heaven.

4. What is the visible church?
All those who profess faith in Christ.

5. What is the invisible church?
All truly regenerate Christians.

6. What is the most important mark of the true church?
Biblical preaching.

7. What is another mark of the true church?
Biblical administration of the sacraments.

8. What is the final mark of the true church?
Biblical church discipline.

Chapter 24: The Government And Power Of The Church

1. Who is the head of the church?
Jesus Christ.

2. Who are the extraordinary officers of the church?
The apostles.

3. Who are the ordinary officers of the church?
Elders and deacons.

4. How does the power of the church differ from the power of the state?
Church power is spiritual; state power is physical.

Chapter 25: The Word Of God And The Sacraments In General

1. What is the most important of the means of grace?
The word of God.

2. What is a means of grace?
A way to grow in sanctification.

3. What is the law?
What we are to do.

4. What is the gospel?
What Jesus has done.

5. What is one difference between the word as a means of grace and the sacraments as a means of grace?
The word is absolutely necessary; the sacraments are not.

6. What is another difference between the word as a means of grace and the sacraments as means of grace?
The word gives us faith; the sacraments strengthen faith.

7. What is a sacrament?
A visible sign of an invisible grace.

8. What do Protestants teach about the number of sacraments over against the Roman Catholics?
Protestants hold to two; Roman Catholics seven.

Chapter 26: Christian Baptism

1. When did Jesus institute baptism?
After His resurrection.

2. What is the baptismal formula?
Into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3. What is the visible sign in baptism?
Washing with water.

4. What are the different modes of baptism?
Immersion, pouring, or sprinkling.

5. Who is entitled to receive baptism?
All who make a credible profession of faith.

6. Why are infants baptized?
Because they also are participants in God’s covenant.

Chapter 27: The Lord’s Supper

1. When did Jesus institute the Lord’s Supper?
At the time of the Passover feast.

2. What is the first visible sign that is present in the Lord’s Supper?
The breaking of bread and pouring of wine.

3. What is the second visible sign that is present in the Lord’s Supper?
Being nourished by bread and wine.

4. Who are entitled to participate in the Lord’s Supper?
All who make a credible profession of faith.

5. Why do children not participate in the Lord’s Supper?
Because they are not able to examine themselves.

Chapter 28: Physical Death and the Intermediate State

1. What is death?
The separation of body and soul.

2. Why do people die?
As a punishment for their sin.

3. Why is the death of believers not a punishment?
Because Jesus took their punishment.

4. Why do believers die then?
To put an end to their sin.

Chapter 29: The Second Coming of Christ

1. What was Jesus’ first coming?

2. How will Jesus come the second time?
Bodily and in great power and glory.

3. What is amillennialism?
The millennium is all the time between Christ’s first and second coming.

4. What is premillennialism?
Christ will return before the millennium.

5. What is postmillennialism?
Christ will return after the millennium.

6. Could Jesus return at any time?

Chapter 30: The Resurrection, The Last Judgment and The Final State

1. What are the three resurrections mentioned in Scripture?
The resurrection of Jesus, the resurrection of believers, and the resurrection of unbelievers.

2. What will follow the resurrection of believers and unbelievers?
The final judgment.

3. What will God do with the unbelievers?
Turn them into hell forever.

4. What will God do with His people?
Give them a place in His eternal kingdom.

5. How should we think about these last things?
With great joy and expectation; Come Lord Jesus!

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