C. Some legitimate means for the accomplishment of the task
James I. Packer, Evangelism & the Sovereignty of God, (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2008), pp.54-55.
b. Those means connected with the administration of the Sacraments
1 Cor. 11:26- It is a supper of “proclamation.”
Acts 22:16
Rom. 6:1-14
Baptism is a vivid and visible synopsis of what the gospel is and does for sinners
c. Those opportunities arising from the natural social contacts of the people of God.
Phil. 2:14-16
1 Pet. 3:15
1 Cor. 5:9-10
Lk. 5:27-32
2. Extraordinary or special activities calculated to bring men and women under the influence of the Gospel or to take the gospel to them where they are.
a. Some specific suggestions
(1) A concentrated, church-wide effort to bring people to a gathering where there will be a pointed, formal presentation of the Gospel by proven speakers. Remember the simple truth that “love is enterprising.”
C. H.Spurgeon, “On Conversion as Our Aim” in Lectures to My Students, (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2008), p. 421.
(2) A concentrated, church–wide effort to distribute good evangelistic literature
2 Cor. 9:6
(3) A concentrated, church–wide effort to enroll people in a short-termhome Bible study
(4) An ongoing program of house-to-house visitation
Lk. 14:23
Acts 20:20
(5) A regular presentation of the Gospel in local papers as paid or public service advertisements
(6) Use of the internet and yourchurch website
(7) An occasional opportunity to put the Gospel into the marketplace
D. Some practical considerations in seeking to motivate and direct your congregation with respect to fulfilling the task
Acts 20:19-21, 35
Read and reread the following works calculated to stir up a passion for this task:
Charles H. Spurgeon, “On Conversion as Our Aim” in Lectures to My Students, (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2008), p. 422.
2. Recognize and avoid the most common errors with respect to pastoral instructions and exhortations connected with the task.
a. The crippling, guilt-producing notion that every Christian has or should have the special gift of an evangelist
J. E. Conant, Every-Member Evangelism, (Philadelphia: The Sunday School Times Company, 1922), pp. 22-25.
b. The numbing, conscience-salving notion that all evangelistic concern and activity will simply take care of itself without any conscious effort
c. The artificial regimentation and imitation which does no justice to the vast diversity of gifts and opportunities in any given congregation
d. The unscriptural notion that since an outpouring of the Spirit would automatically intensify evangelistic activity and success, we need do nothing until such is given
3. Recognize the central place of fervent, persistent prayer in the entire evangelistic endeavor.
1 Cor. 3:3-8
Lk. 11:13
Gal. 4:19
Rom. 9:1-10:1
Summary and Conclusion: