Lesson 7

1. How do you know this Mediator?
From the holy gospel, which God first revealed in Paradise, proclaimed by the patriarchs and prophets, foreshadowed in the ceremonies of the law, and fulfilled in His only-begotten Son. (Hebr. 1:1,2)

2. Shall all men be saved by this Mediator?
No, but only those who by a true faith are ingrafted into Him and receive all his benefits. (Rom. 6:5,6)

3. What is true faith?
It is both a sure knowledge of God and all his promises and a heartfelt confidence that all my sins are forgiven me for Christ’s sake. (Rom. 4:20, 21)

Things to Look Up:

  1. What does Hebrews 1:1,2 tell us about the way God has revealed Himself and his way of salvation?
  2. How does Jesus describe our “ingrafting” into him? John 15:4-6.
  3. How does our Lord describe the different kinds of faith? Matt. 13:18-23.
  4. How did the prodigal son show that he had true faith? Luke 15:18-20.
  5. What is God’s method of leading men to a saving knowledge of Christ?  Rom. 10:13,14.

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