What this means is that when you begin this study, all the doors are closed. It means that the first ten lessons are going to be difficult and potentially very frustrating. You will be sorely tempted to quit. If you persevere, however, the doors will slowly open, one at a time, until finally they are all open, and the Greek language will stand before you in all its beauty and glory. Of course, it won’t really be the beauty and glory of the Greek language, but rather the beauty and glory of the New Testament as it opens up to you in its original language. This is the prize. Keep your eye fixed on it! Many people stall and sputter as they begin this journey because they do not have the discipline and perseverance to see it through to the end. Don’t be one of them.
This course is largely based on the grammar of William Rainey Harper and Revere Franklin Weidner. Read this to get an overview of the history and advantages of the inductive method from William Sanford LaSor. These men successfully used the inductive method in a day when there was no internet, wikis, LMS, forums, etc. Imagine the possibilities now with technology making things so much more streamlined and efficient. Students can now leverage all the advantages of the inductive method no matter where they are.