
A conjunction is a part of speech that connects or joins two words, phrases, or clauses together. In English, there are three kinds of conjunctions:

  1. coordinating conjunctions (or FANBOYS video) which join two phrases or clauses which are equal to each other and stand on the same level;
  2. correlative conjunctions, and
  3. subordinating conjunctions where one phrase or clause is subordinate to the other.

Take this example:   I assigned my children to walk the dog, finish their homework, wash the windows, and pick the beans.  Note that each of these four tasks are equal; they are coordinate to each other.

Here’s another example:   I asked my oldest son to wash the windows because we were having guests that evening.  Now you can see that the clause “because we were having…” is subordinate to the clause “I asked my oldest…”  The conjunction “because” is a subordinating conjunction.



See GGBB p. 761 for the Greek conjunctions.



Hebrew has a simple vav conjunction.  video  It also has a vav-conversive and vav-reversive.

Verbal root YQTL + simple vav conjunction YQTL with vav-conversive
כתב וְיִכְתֹּב וַיִּכְתֹּב
פעל וְיִפְעַל וַיִּפְעַל
קרא וְיִקְרָא וַיִּקְרָא

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