Lecture 8 – Presuppositions regarding the Person Counseled (part 1)

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C. We must possess a conviction concerning the intimate connection between our own PURSUIT OF GODLINESS and our ability to counsel others.

1. Godliness and moral discernment

Matt. 7:1-5
Prov. 11:2, 3
John Owen, The Works of John Owen, vol. 16, (London: Banner of Truth Trust, 1968), pp. 86-87.

2. Godliness and pastoral credibility

Mt. 23:1-3

II. The Presuppositions As They Relate to the PERSON COUNSELED

A. As CREATED and FALLEN image-bearers of God
1. Their moral accountability
Rom. 14:12
2 Cor. 5:10
Gal. 5:16
Prov. 28:13
Phil. 2:12-13
2. Their unique identity
Gen. 1:26-27
Jas. 3:9
1 Cor. 2:11
Philip Hughes suggests that the image of God involves personality, spirituality, rationality, morality, authority and creativity.
3. Their essential constitution
a. Essential diversity
Mt. 10:28
Jas. 2:26
b. Organic unity
c. Unique individuality
Ps. 139:13-16
4. Their culpability
Acts 7:51
Rom. 8:7
2 Cor. 4:3
Ezek. 16:63
Rom. 6:21
5. The conditioning factors that have influenced the one being counseled
a. Domestically
John 8:44
Ex. 20:4-5

David Murray, Christians Get Depressed Too, (Grand Rapids, MI: Reformation Heritage Books, 2010), pp. 56-57.

b. Socially
Tit. 1:12-13
1 Cor. 15:33
2 Pet. 2:7-8
Rom. 12:2
c. Religiously
Matt. 16:6
2 Tim. 3:6
Mt. 24:12

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