On this site, you will notice that there is a translation and paraphrase of Scripture in progress. This work is meant to be an open-forum of sorts where we can collaborate together and come to a better understanding of the meaning of Scripture. If at any time, you wish to question a given translation or make a comment or ask a question, just use the comment box at the bottom of each page. In these comments, we can work together on this project. The ultimate responsibility for the translations and paraphrases are mine.
The translation pages are setup this way:
- First, the Scripture reference;
- Second, the original;
- Third, a literal translation of the original text;
- Fourth, a paraphrase of the original text;
- Fifth, any comments on the grammar, syntax, or interpretation of the given verse. Every effort has been made here to use resources already publicly available online.
Here is an example of what to expect:
Old Testament | New Testament |
Genesis Joshua Ezra Job Isaiah |