A. Explanation of the terms “Man of God” and “Pastoral Office”
John Brown, Expository Discourses on 1 Peter, vol. 2 (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1975), pp. 429-430.
B. The biblical warrant for addressing this subject
1. The clear responsibility of every individual man in the church
Rom. 12:3-8
2. The sober warnings to anyone contemplating any public teaching office
R. C. H. Lenski, The Interpretation of the Epistle to the Hebrews and the Epistle of James (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1966), pp. 599-600.
Jas. 3:1
Heb. 13:17
3. The encouragement coupled with a God-given standard
1 Tim. 3:1ff
C. My personal fears in taking up this subject
C. H. Spurgeon, “The Call to the Ministry,” in Lectures to My Students (Pasadena, TX: Pilgrim Publications, 1990), book I, pp. 22-23.
Ezek. 13:22
I. The foundational principles which must regulate our thinking and actions regarding a call to the pastoral office
A. We must be conscious that we are in the realm of “experimental divinity” or “the theology of Christian experience.”
Robert L. Dabney, “What is a Call to the Ministry?” in Discussions: Evangelical and Theological, vol. 2 (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1967), pp. 26-27.
1. Explanation of the concept
2. Practical counsel growing out of this concept
B. We must approach this subject fully aware that we are considering the call to an ordinary and not an extraordinary office in the church.
1. Explain the terminology
James M. Garretson, Princeton and Preaching (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 2005), p. 35.
John Owen, The Work of the Spirit, vol. 4 of The Works of John Owen, pp. 438-486.
2. The practical application of this distinction
C. H. Spurgeon, “The Call to the Ministry,” in Lectures to My Students (Pasadena, TX: Pilgrim Publications, 1990), book I, p. 20.
C. If we are to tread safely in this matter we must think of the call to the ministry primarily in terms of the biblical teaching concerning an elder who “labors in the Word and in doctrine.”
Robert L. Dabney, “What is a Call to the Ministry?” in Discussions: Evangelical and Theological, vol. 2 (Edinburgh: Banner of Truth Trust, 1967), p. 29.
1. Explanation of this principle
2. Implications of this principle